​Ish Puneet Singh
1 American J. of Economics & Business Administration (Science Publications)
Authentic Act - Revision of the Brussels I Regulation
​General Assembly Meeting Draft Minutes
​March 2009
​What Honeymoon?  Trade Relations Between China and Brazil
Lizz Cannon Attorney-at-Law
​Oct. 2009
​A Review of the Potential Market Impacts of Commercializing GM Wheat in the U.S.  (pp. 7, 29)
​E. Neal Blue
​Global Health Progress
​Jan. 2010
Russia: Biopharmaceutical Sector Has Potential For Growth  ​(Fact Sheet)
​Western Organization for Resource Councils
International Chamber of Commerce WIPO Delegation​
​IP & Trade
Dehrin Patki (Editor)
​IP Literature
​Dec. 2010
What Technology Wants  ​(pp. 246-248)
Kevin Kelly
Viking Press (Penguin Group)
Jonathan Odumeru​
IP Osgoode
IP Law & Technology Program
​March 2010
​Report on the 15th Session of WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, SCP, Geneva 11-15, Oct. 2010
​Executive Committee Meeting
Federation International des Conseils en Propriete Industrielle 
​March 2011
​Michael Raucci
​Sughrue PLLC
2 Green Technology Newsletter 1
​March 2011
​Best Practices in Green Manufacturing and Technical Textiles ​(pp. 7, 39)
Aldjia Begreiche, Bertrand Derome, et al.​
​Textiles Human Resources Council of Canada
J. Rodney
26 ​Int'l Journal of Marine & Coastal Law 
Publishers (Brill)
​Jessica Downing
​18 Journal of Commercial Biotechnology.
​William R. Schubert
32 Journal of Macromarketing
(Sage Publication)
​Raj Bhala
​Date     Organization          Author                            Title                             Excerpt/Full Report

​Industry, Trade & Professional References (2008-2012)​

California Foundation for Commerce and Education (CFCE)
California Chamber of Commerce
General Notes and Impressions of 14th SCP Plenary Session
WIPO SCP 14th Plenary Session​
Feb. 2010

"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate

voice to the global public debate..."

Roberto Barone, V.P. CNUE e Consigliere nazionale del Notoriato
Cassa Nazionale del Notariato Bollettino No. 1/2009 
(Roma Italy)
Potential of Russia's Biotech Sector
The Pharma Letter
(Putney, London, England, ​UK)
L'Atto Autentico Europeo e la Costruzione del Giuridico Comune (pp. 3-4)

​The European Authentic Act and Construction Space Common Legal
