which "resurrects the defeated EU Constitution", "establishing islands of liberty in a
sea of regulation' rather than 'islands of regulation in a sea of liberty'", and "plac[ing]
greater emphasis on (so-called) positive rather than negative rights -- along with the
member-and super-state's responsibilities in 'guaranteeing' them", the Lisbon Treaty's
distinction between 'negative' rights and 'positive' rights bearing great significance.
2. As Defined by the EU Institutions
3. Promotes Green-Centric Precautionary Principle-Based Decentralized Lawmaking
4. Requires Greater Comparative Law Analysis
5. Triggers Gradual Evolution of 'Soft' Law into 'Hard' Law Norms
6. As Incorporated Within the European Dream (Dream Ended?)
7. As Critical and Rejecting of the Global Influence of American Capitalism
8. Engenders the Napoleonic Civil Law, Not Anglo Common Law-Precautionary Principle
9. As EU Regional & Global Strategy
10. Serves as Justification for Cultural Preferences & Trade Protectionism (social, labor);
(environment); (developing countries)
11. As the Means to Achieve Global Environmental Security in the 21st Century
12. As Integral to the EU's SD Strategy for the United Nations:
i. UN Secretary-General High-Level Panel Report on Threats, Challenges
& Change - A More Secure World: Our Common Responsibility (2004)
13. The EU SD Tax Strategy and the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and
14. As Reflective of the EU's Brussels-Based Decision-Making:
15. As Encouraging National, Regional & International UN-Based Civil Society Activism
16. Holds Special Meaning and Appeal to European Socialists, Democrats & Progressives
17. Derives From the Concept of Lebensraum Which the German National Socialists &
Nazi SS Employed to project national power from 1939-1945 as the Political Ideal
of Spatial & EnvironmentalPlanning and territorial expansionism. It aligned w/the
Munich school of German geopolitik, one of several schools of geopolitics.
voice to the global public debate..."