Confounding Conventional Wisdom: Political, Not Principled Differences in the Transatlantic Regulatory Relationship (pp. 5-7, 30-31)
Alasdair R. Young (Faculty Int'l Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology; formerly, Univ. of Glasgow)
Michael Bolle (Faculty Political Economy, & Director of Jean Monnet Centre)
Steven I. Dutch (Ed.) (Faculty Geosciences Univ. of Wisconsin)
Date Organization Author Title Excerpt/Full Report
University & Think Tank References - 2009
"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate
voice to the global public debate..."
The New Face of European Environmental Protectionism: Forestry and Climate Change (pp. 2, 5)
Conflict Between International Treaties: Failing to Mitigate the Effects of Introduced Marine Species (p. 51)
Marnie Campbell, Anna Grage & Chad Hewitt (Faculty,
Nat'l Centre for Marine Conservation
& Resource Sustainability, Australian Maritime College) (Tasmania
, Australia)
EarthJustice Legal Defense Fund: How Environmentalism Weakens U.S. National Security (pp. 3-4)
Kevin Mooney (Journalist)
Capital Research Center, Foundation Watch
Fighting Against Biopiracy: Does the
Obligation to Disclose in Patent Applications Truly Help? (pp. 146-147)
Jacques de Werra (Faculty, Intellectual Property Law, Law School of the Univ. of Geneva) (Switzerland)
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (Vol. 42)
Risks, Scientific Uncertainty and the Approach of Applying the Precautionary Principle (p. 300)
Michigan State University Journal of Medicine & Law (Vol. 28, No. 1)
Corporate Power and State Resistance in Latin America: Brazil's Use of TRIPS Flexibilities for its National AIDS Program (pp. 16, 21)
Matthew Flynn (Ph.D Candidate Presentation Prepared for
Eurasia Conference)
University of Texas at Austin
The GMO Panel: Applications of WTO Law to Trade in Agricultural Biotech Products (pp. 424, 428)
Gilbert R. Winham (Dept. of Political Science & Faculty of Law, Dalhousie Univ.) (Halifax, CN)
Vol. 31, No. 3
Rutledge, Taylor & Francis Publ.
The Precautionary Principle in the WTO Multilateral Framework
Corporate Social Responsibility in the European Union: A New Trade Barrier? (pp. 250, 254, 255)
Tim Breitbarth, Phil Harris and Robert Aitken (Faculty, Marketing, School of Business, University of Otago)
(New Zealand)
Vol. 9, Issue 4
(Wiley InterScience, John Wiley & Sons Publ.)
Medberg Co. v. The Government of the Republic of Bergonia, Brief for Respondent (pp. iii, 7)
The Politics of Patents and Drugs in Brazil and Mexico: The Industrial Bases of Health Policies (pp. 13, 16)
Kenneth C. Schladen (Faculty International Development,
London School of Economics)
Journal of Comparative Politics (City Univ. of New York) (CUNY)Vol. 42, No. 1
Effort to Expand 'Authentic Acts' in Europe Imperils Economic Freedom (Washington Legal Foundation)
InsiderOnline Regulation and Deregulation
InsiderOnline Economic Growth
Chap. 2 - Opening Pandora's Box: Contextualising The Precautionary Principle in the European Union in Uncertain Risks Regulated (pp. 38, 43)
Elizabeth Fisher (Faculty of Law, University of Oxford); Michelle Everson (Faculty of Law, Birbeck Univ. of London), Ellen Vos (Faculty of Law, Maastricht Univ.) & Joanne Scott (Faculty of Law, Univ. College London) (Eds.)
Routledge & Cavendish (Publ.)
The Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law, Part IV - Trade and...the New Agenda and Linkage Issues, Chap. 21 - Trade and Health (p. 617)
Jeffrey Attik (Faculty, Loyola Law School); Daniel Bethlehem, Donald McRae, Rodney Neufeld & Isabelle Van Damme (Eds.)
'Ecosystem-Based Management': A Stealth Vehicle to Inject Euro-Style Precaution Into U.S. Regulation (Washington Legal Foundation)