"Based upon our review of the scope of records that would be responsive to your request -- including the search and duplication costs -- we estimate that the fees will exceed the $25.00 threshold for billing and notification. This estimate is based on the "other" fee category set out in EPA FOIA regulations at 40 C.F.R. Sec. 2.107 [...] After consulting with relevant staff, we estimate that searching for documents potentially responsive to your FOIA request would total $27,020.00. Our calculation is based on preliminary identification of staff who work on these issues and an estimate of the amount of time each person would need to perform a search for documents. We also estimate that to fully process the request as written would take 1 year with an estimated completion date of August 1, 2015 [...] We request your assurance to pay the $27,020.00 fee in advance of processing your request [...] You may want to consider narrowing your request. In an effort to assist you in this process, we would encourage you to consider whether any of the below options, with their associated costs and processing times, are satisfactory..."
International Regulatory Transparency
ITSSD IQA-Focused FOIAs Filed With EPA
"Your 145-page FOIA request does not reasonably describe the records you are seeking in a way that will permit EPA employees to identify and locate them. Pursuant to 40 C.F.R. Sec. 2.102(c), we would like to provide you the opportunity to clarify the records that you are seeking so that EPA can process your request."
voice to the global public debate..."