Right to Know: A Diet of the Future Presently Upon Us (p. 1024)
Valparaiso University Law Review
(Vol. 39)
Planning the Funeral at the Birth: Extended Producer Responsibility in the European Union and the United States (p. 86)
Steven Suppan (Senior Policy Analyst IATP)
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)(Minnesota)
Institut du Developpement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI)
(Paris, France), idees Pour Le Debat No. 09/2005, Liberalisation du Commerce
Trade and Environment Handbook (pp. 8, 24, 28)
Australian Development Assistance Agency (funded joint research project)
Australian APEC Study Centre, Monash University (Melbourne, Australia) & ITS Global (Consultants)
Will Bad EU Policies REACH America?
Chresten Andersen (President/ Founder, Copenhagen Institute)
Date Organization Author Title Excerpt/Full Report
Trading Places (p. 107 & fn# 1)
Death: The Price of Beauty: Animal Testing and the Cosmetics Industry (pp. 14-15)
REACH Registration of Imported Substances - Compatibility With WTO Rules (German - pp. 7, 21, 23-24, 29, 42; English - pp. 44, 57, 59-60, 64, 76)
Christian Tietje and Sebastian Wolf (Faculty of Law, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg)
Make Trade Free: How The Doha Round Can Reduce Poverty (p. 21)
Alan Oxley (Australian Dept. of Foreign Affairs & Trade (RET.) & Amb. to GATT (RET.))
University & Think Tank References - 2005
Does the Transatlantic Alliance Still Make Sense? In The Ripon Society's Congressional Report
Public Policies for Debate 2005 (pp. 27-29, 31-32)
John O'Sullivan (Director, Danube Inst., (Budapest, Hungary; former Editor, The National Interest)
Exporting Precaution: How Europe's Risk-Free Regulatory Agenda Threatens American Free Enterprise (Washington Legal Foundation)
U.S. vs. EU Biotech Products Case - WTO Dispute Backgrounder (pp. 3-4, 16)
The Protectionist Nature Of Brussels Precautionary Regulations
Carlo Stagnaro, (Director, Free Market Environmentalism)
Exporting Precaution: How Europe's Risk-Free Regulatory Agenda Threatens American Free Enterprise (Washington Legal Foundation)
Harvard Environmental Law Review
(Vol. 30)
Sherman E. Katz (Ed.) (Senior Policy Analyst)
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
(Wash., DC)
Jamail Center for Legal Research, Tarlton Law Library, The University of Texas School of Law
Mandated Recycling of Electronics: A Lose-Lose-Lose Proposition (pp. 13-14, 33)
Dana Joel Gattuso (CEI Environmental Analyst)
CSIS Conference Report: Trade Policy Challenges in 2005 - A Report of the CSIS-Economist Trade Seminar Series (p. 40)
New Modes of Civil Society Participation in the WTO (pp. 4, 5, 32 & 39)
Patrick Deboyser (EU Commission, DG SANCO) & Stephanie Mahieu (Faculty, Int'l Relations UCL)
Centre de Droit de la Consommation, Universite Catholique de Louvaine (UCL)
(Brussels, Belgium)
Noah Sachs (Faculty, Univ. of Richmond School of Law; Former Lecturer, Harvard Law School)
Jens Steffek (Faculty, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany; former Faculty, Univ. of Bremen) & Ulrike Ehling
(Faculty, European Univ. Viadrina Frankfurt,
Brandenberg, Germany)
"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate
voice to the global public debate..."
Commerce and Infrastructure
Base de Dades de Sumaris,National Interest 2004 Num. 77, Exporting Europe's Protectionism
(p. 91)
Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI)
(Wash., DC)
The International Regulation (Control) of GMOs: A New Tower of Babel? (p. 274)
Harnish Law Library, Pepperdine University
Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC)(Spain)
Exporting Precaution: How Europe's Risk-Free Regulatory Agenda Threatens American Free Enterprise (Washington Legal Foundation)