Human Rights in the Marketplace: The Exploitation of Rights Protection by Economic Actors (pp. 106, 128)
Christopher Harding, Uta Kohl & Naomi Salmon (Faculty of
Law, Aberystwyth Univ.) (Scotland UK)
Oct. 2008
Regulating Risk: Explaining Diverging Labeling Policies Between Canada and the European Union and Whether These Differences Can Be Reconciled (pp. 106, 128)
Julie Bognar (Masters of Arts in European Studies) Univ. of British Columbia
UBC Institute for European Studies, University of British Columbia
Nov. 2008
​From Montreal to Bali: The 2005-2007 European Union Strategy for Reengaging the United States in UNFCCC Negotiations (pp. 7, 13)
Stavros Afionis (Faculty of Environment, Univ. of Leeds
In-Spire Journal of  Law, Politics & Societies, (Vol.3, No. 2) at Keele Univ. Research 
Institute for Law, Politics & Justice
Dec. 2008
​ Date          Organization            Author                     Title                     Excerpt/Full Report

University & Think Tank References - 2008

IGI Global Publishers, Fang Zhao (Faculty, School of Mgmt., RMIT Univ.) (Australia) 

Why is the Beef Hormones Dispute Still Pending? (pp. 14, 42) 
Rima Abou-Mrad
Intellectual Property
(Thesis, Masters of Law Degree, Corporate & Finance Law)
Wayne State University Law School (MI)
Gabrielle Berthelot-Leven
Res Ipsa LOQUITOR, University of Miami School of Law 
Feb. 2008
SCAN AROUND THE GLOBE, Rediscovering      
Value of IP (Brazil, ITSSD Journal, Jan. 20, 2008) (pp. 1-2) 
WISTA: Intellectual Property Report,
Feb. 2008 
(Vol. 9, Issue 8)
  K.V. Swaminathan, (Ed.) (Former Advisor, Ministry of Science & Technology; Controller General of Patents & Trademarks)
Feb. 2008
Regulating BFRs: From Science to Policy (p. 147) 
Family and Consumer Studies 3470-1: International Consumer Policy (A Social and Behavioral Science General Education Course) (syllabus, course readings, p. 4
Dr. Robert N. Mayer (Faculty, Family & Consumer Studies)
University of Utah
The 'Perfect' Storm of REACH: Charting Regulatory Controversy in the Age of Information, Sustainable Development and Globalization (pp. 553, 556, 561)
Elizabeth Fisher 
(Corpus Christie College & Faculty of Law, Univ. of Oxford) (UK)
Journal of Risk Research
(Vol. 11, No. 4)
(Taylor & Francis Publ.)
June 2008
Steven Bernstein & Erin Hannah 
(Faculty of Law Aberystwyth Univ.)
July 2008
 Michael Bolle and Abdul Manan Aruli(Faculty of Law, FUB) (Germany)
Winter2008/Spring 2009
(pp. 10-15) 
No. 559
12 fevrier 2008
Feb. 2008
How Market-Based Policies Could Spur Biotechnology Growth in Russia  (Washington Legal Foundation) 
Robert L. Paarlberg (Faculty, Political Science, Wellesley College)
Harvard Univ. Press (Cambridge, MA)
Pioneering Models for International Project Finance and Criminal Adjudication Through Shared Sovereignty InAfrica: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law (pp. 208, 310) 
Emeka Duruigbo (Faculty, Texas Southern Univ., Thurgood Marshall School of Law);
Jeremy I. Levitt (Ed.) (Faculty, Florida A&M Univ., College of Law)
Hart Publishing (Oxford, UK & Portland, OR)
Sven Ove Hansson
(Faculty, Philosophy, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm)
(Vol. 73)
(Elsevier Ltd.)
March 2008
Spring 2008
The European Union's Energy using Products - EuP - Directive 2005/32EC: Taking Transnational Eco-Product Design One Step Further (p. 28)
Bernhard Kuschnik 
(Legal Clerk at Landgericht (Regional Court) (Dusseldorf, Germany)
Temple Journal of Science, Technology & Environmental Law
(Vol. 27, No. 1)
Spring 2008
Non-State Global Standard-Setting and the WTO: Legitimacy and the Need for Regulatory Space (pp. 21-22, 46; fn# 22)
HS: 15390: Europe and International Trade - EU Trade Policy Related to Health Security (course syllabus pp. 5-6)
Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence for European Integration (Freie Universitat Berlin)
J.J. Gomes Canotilho &
Vera Lucia Raposo (Universidade de Coimbra)
International Law and the Intellectual Property of Pharmaceutical Patents in The Question of the Constitutionality of Patents in Light of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988​ (pp. 66, 68, 69, 70)
Almedina Publishers

Economic Growth
Heritage Foundation
Brazil's IP Opportunism Threatens U.S. Private Property Rights 
Intellectual Property
(US & Brazil),
Political Economy, Economic Development
Starved for Science: How Biotechnology is Being Kept Out of Africa (Chap. 4, Conclusion - pp. 119, 182, 209, 229) 
A Brief Review of Studies on Open Source Software in Developing Countries in Peer-Reviewed Journals(pp. 3-4, 7) 
Chitu Okoli (Faculty, Supply-Chain & Business Technology Management, Concordia Univ.)
(Montreal, Quebec, CN)
Inter-American Law Review Symposium: Focus on Brazil: (reporting about Globalization and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Brazilian Intellectual Property Law and US Policy Implications (p. 11) 
Disruptions in Global Industries Caused by Controversial Technologies: The Case of Lead-Free Soldering in Electronics (pp. 434, 439, 448, 473) In Information Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation  
Roman Boutellier and Andreas Biedermann (ETH Zurich Switzerland)
National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico, Instituto de Investigaciones
Juridicas (Library Catalogue)

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