Edited by Daniel S. Hamilton & Jacques Pelkmans
Sri Wartini &
Risky Edy Nawawi (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
Emilia Korkea-Aho
Univ. of Helsinki
Submission in Response to ACCC's Draft Determination on Infant Nutrition Council Ltd Application for Authorisation, Marketing in Australia of Infant Formula (p. 14, fn 40)
Effects of the EU Chemicals Regulation REACH in a Globalized Internal Market: FCD & FMB (pp. 775-76)
Application of Process and Production Method in Trade for International Environmental Protection and Health (pp. 69, 72)
Sonia Rolland
(Northeastern Univ. School of Law)
Better Safe Than Sorry: A Precautionary Toxic Substances Control Act Proposal (p. 346)
Andrew Liebler
(J.D. Candidate)
National Association of Scholars
Date Organization Author Title Excerpt/Full Report
Edward Elgar Publishing
(Edited by John A. Rothchild)
43 Georgia Journal of Int'l & Comparative Law 727
53 Common Market Law Rev.
Kluwer Law Int'l
Adjudicating Scientific Disputes in Climate Science: The Limits of Judicial Competence and the Risks of Taking Sides (p. 88, fn 94; p. 93, fn 143)
European Journal of Risk Regulation Symposium
on TTIP Leaks
What the TTIP Leaks Mean for the On-going Negotiations and Future Agreement?
(p. 16, fn 52)
REACHing for Environmental & Economic Harmony: Can TTIP Negotiations Bridge the U.S.-EU Chemical Regulatory Gap? (pp. 734-735, 737, 739, 747-752, 755)
Consumer Protection Issues in Crossborder Ecommerce in "Research Handbook on Electronic Commerce (p. 382, fn54)
20 Harvard Negotiation Law Review 265
Sorin Burnete, Lucian Blaga Univ, Sibiu, Romania; Pilasluck Choomta, Acad. of Econ. Studies Bucharest, Romania
The Peculiar Case of the ARA Libertad: Provisional Measures and Prejudice to the Arbitral Tribunal's Final Result (p. 282, fn 126)
Beyond Process Excellence: Toward Enhancing Societal Wellbeing (pp. 5-6)
Penn Program on Regulation, Univ. of Pa. Law School
Sustainability: Higher Education's New Fundamentalism (pp. 10, 125, 161, 244-248)
Peter Wood and Rachelle Peterson
University & Think Tank References - 2015-2016
Ligia Maura Costa
(Fundação Getulio Vargas)
Mr Smith Goes to Brussels: Third Country Lobbying and the Making of EU Law and Policy (p. 52, fn 23)
TTIP and Climate Change: How Real Are Race to the Bottom Concerns? (p. 13, fn 74)
National Univ.
College of Asia & Pacific
Patricia Garcia-Duran & Montserrat Millet,
Traditional Ecological Rulemaking (p. 142, fn 217)
Asserting Presidential Preferences in a Regulatory Review Bureaucracy
Vera Thorstensen (São Paulo School of Economics
(EESP)) and
Andreia Costa Vieira (Center on Global Trade & Investments (CGTI))
Sustainable Development Issues in the Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization: Breaking Down Myths and Barriers (p. 20)
3 Environmental Liability - Law Policy and Practice 80
46 Washington Univ. J. of Law & Policy 333
John D. Graham and
Paul R. Noe
"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate
voice to the global public debate..."
35 Stanford Environmental Law Journal 101
Different Glances at EU Trade Policy - A Collection of Monographs (pp. 15, 19)
Anthony Moffa
(Attorney-Advisor, United States Environmental Protection Agency)
Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 22, No 1
(June 2015)
Emilia Korkea-Aho
Univ. of Helsinki
Editors: Alberto Alemanno and Alexia Herwig
Cambridge Yearbook of Euro Legal Studies
Georgetown Environmental Law Review Online
(May 2015)
Barecelona Centre
for Int'l Affairs
Julie Smith (Assoc. Prof. Asian Studies); Libby Salmon (PhD Cand.); Phillip Baker
SpringerOpen Environmental Sciences Europe
Paolo Carrozza, Ed.;
Gianpaolo Maria Ruotolo, Author
Ctr. for Transatlantic Relations (CTR), Johns Hopkins University SAIS
Wash., D.C. Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels Rowman and Littlefield International
Enviro Research
of German Fed'l Ministry for the Enviro, Nature Conserv., Bldg & Nuclear Safety
Discussion Paper:
REACH: Is Such Regulation WTO-Consistent? (pp. 4-9, 14, 20; fns 11, 13-17, 20-26, 43-44, 67-68)
D.Y. Shamoun &
Bruce Yandle (Mercatus Center, George Mason Univ.
Multilateral Discipline of Digital Commerce (p. 1918, fn 126)
The Impact of European Union's Newly-Adopted Environmental Standards on its Trading Partners (pp. 11-12, 15)
Enhancement of the REACH Requirements for (Imported) Articles - Options for Improvement of the Chemicals Regulation (pp. 41, 54, 56-57, 66, 69-70, 73-74, 81, 84, 136)
Lucas Bergkamp (Emeritus Professor of Int'l Environmental Liability Law, Erasmus Univ., Rotterdam
Revista de Administração Pública (RAP)
Rio de Janeiro-RJ Brasil
SVHC in Imported Articles: REACH Authorisation Requirement Justified Under WTO Rules
Joëlle de Sépibus/Kateryna Holzer/Rodrigo Polanco
Know They Product: The Global Expansion of Product Stewardship Laws' Impact on Environmental Law (fns 26, 28)
EESP - Escola de Economia de São Paulo/ CCGI -
Centro de Estudos do Comércio Global e Investimento
(FGV/SB - Sistema de Bibliotecas)
Julian Schenten and Martin Fuhr (Univ. of Applied Sciences
Directory of Public Comparative European Law
SpringerLink Publishing
J. Public Choice
Martin Fuhr & Julian Schenten (Sofia Soc. for Inst'l Analysis, Univ. of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt);
Andreas Hermann
Rule-Makers or Rule-Takers? Exploring the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
(p. 217-218, 234)