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Notary Talk of England & Wales Website

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Polar Sea Ice Melts Away in Time for Antarctic Easter Surprise

Summary:  This article analyzes Annex VI of the Madrid Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty and its relationship to the UNCLOS which was recently submitted to the U.S. Senate for a vote of accession.

The Creeping 'Authenticity' of Europe's Intrusive Civil Law System

Summary: This article discusses France's efforts to harmonize throughout the European Union Napoleonic civil law authentic (notarized) instruments, and the impact it would have on Anglo common law nations. 

 Precautionus Principilitis 

Summary: This article questions the philosophical, psychosocial and cultural underpinnings of Europe's precautionary principle.

UNCLOS Alchemy 

Summary: This article discusses why the U.S. State Department Legal Adviser's Washington Times editorial assuring the American public that UNCLOS accession will enhance U.S. national security is not entirely true.

Europe's Warnings on Climate Change Belie More Nuanced Concerns

Summary: This article discusses how European leaders' failure to discuss whether the scientific basis for assessing the impacts of human activities on the climate should be based on correlative rather than causal scientific evidence actually masks a nuanced effort to base new international environmental policy on a drastically changed paradigm of regulatory science.
International/U.S. Environmental Law

    Comparative International Law/

​Attorney-Client Privilege

Comparative International Law

International/U.S. Environmental Law

International Environmental Law
  Issue Date               Publication                            Article Title                             Reference

​Library White Papers ​2007-2009

"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate

voice to the global public debate..."

​April 2009

Feb. 2009

​Dec. 2007

​​​Nov. 2007

​​June 2007