Matthew Flynn (2011-2012 Post-Doctorate Fellow)
University of Texas School of Law
Biosecurity Under Uncertainty: The Influence of Information Availability and Quality on Expert Decision-making for Risk Outcomes (pp. 39, 179)
Alisha A. Dahlstrom (Thesis Ph.D. in
Applicability of Life Cycle Assessment Technique to Concrete Structures (pp. 29, 192)
Julian Garcia Rey
(Masters Thesis
Planning & Management, Civil Engineering)
Trade Disputes Between China and the EU: An Overview and its Implications (pp. 31, 41)
MA Junjie
(Thesis, Masters in
Advanced European & InternationalStudies)
Centre International de Formation Europeenne;
Institut Europeen; European Institute
(CIFE-IE-EI) (Berlin, Germany)
The Value of Comparative and Legal Cultural Analyses of International Economic Law (p. 47)
Colin B. Picker
(Thesis, Ph.D. in Philosophy)
University of New South Wales School of Law, Faculty of Law (Australia)
Challenges in Intellectual Property Governance: Providing the Right Incentives in the Quest for Global Innovation (pp. 389-390)
Daniel Gervais (Faculty Vanderbilt Law School)
Date Organization Author Title Excerpt/Full Report
University & Think Tank References - 2012
Dr. Bassem Awad (a Chief Justice, Egyptian Ministry of Justice; Counselor, Judicial Dept., Abu Adhabi, UAE)
University of Capetown, South Africa
Copyright Enforcement: The Graduated Response Takes Central Stage (pp. 141-142, fn#61)
Caroline B. Ncube (Faculty of Law, University of Capetown (South Africa)
University of California, Berkeley eScholarship
Andrej Krickovic, Graduate Thesis
/Dissertation Doctor Ph.D of Philosophy in Political Science
NorthwesternUniversity Law Review
Vol. 107:1
How the Law Lets Down the 'Down-Under Dolphin' - Fishing-Related Mortality of Marine Mammals and the Law in New Zealand
(p. 230)
Nicola R. Wheen
(Faculty of Law
Univ. of Otago)
(New Zealand)
Oxford University Press
Vol. 24:3
Constitutional Right to Property in Changing Times: The Indian Experience (p. 230)
R. Rajesh Babu
(Faculty, Indian Institute of Management)
(Calcutta, India)
A Hybrid Legal and Economic Development Model That Balances Intellectual Property Protection and Economic Growth: A Case Study of India, Brazil, Indonesia and Vietnam (pp. 127-128)
Leveling the Field in Canada: Moving Toward Reimbursement Equality in Biologic Therapy for Canadians With Rheumatoid Arthritis
(pp. 7, 8 and 19)
A. Russell, V. Ahluwalla, Cheryl Barnabe, et al.
Subsequent Entry Biologics/Biosimilars: A Viewpoint From Canada (pp. 1290, 1292)
A. Russell, V. Ahluwalla, Cheryl Barnabe, et al.
Journal of Rheumatology
(Springer )
False Certainty: Judicial Forcing of the Quantification of Risk (p. 318)
Diana R.H. Winters
(Faculty Univ. of Indiana)
Temple Law Review
Vol. 85
The Politics of Precaution: Regulating, Health, Safety and Environmental Risks in Europe and the United States (p. 17)
David Vogel
(Faculty, Haas Business School , Political Science UC Berkeley)
University Press
From Structural and Symbolic Dimensions of State Autonomy: Brazil's AIDS Treatment Program and Global Power Dynamics (pp. 18, 26)
Strategy for Green Energy Technologies Innovation in Egypt: How Patents and Trade Secrets Should be Used to Enhance Cleaner Energy Technologies Innovation in Egypt?, (pp. 2, 6, & 8), Open African Innovation Research & Training Working Paper
Cross-Cutting Issues Under the WTO: Non-Economic Concerns and Enhancement of Healthier Trade Ties (pp. 59, fn#11)
Tsai-Yu Lin(Faculty College of Law, National Taiwan University)
The Brussels Effect (pp. 27, 36, 39, 62)
Anu Bradford (Faculty Columbia Law School)
"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate
voice to the global public debate..."
Publications Abroad Regarding the Brazilian Law: Tax Law, Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law (p. 20)
Marcelo Gustavo Silva Siqueira (Lawyer, Denis Borges Barbosa Lawyers)
Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UERJ
(V.2, n. 22 - 2012)
Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy (Vol. 3)(National Taiwan University Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law & Policy Book Series)
(Angle Publ.)