Henrik Selen (Faculty, Int'l Relations, Boston Univ.) & Stacy D. van Deveer (Faculty, Political Science, Univ. of New Hampshire
Summarized Guide to the English Debates 2006-2007 - Debate: Genetically Modified Organisms Should be Adopted and Encouraged
Date Organization Author Title Excerpt/Full Report
Technical Barriers to Trade: How Ignoring Science When Developing Standards and Technical Regulations Affects Trade Between the United States and the European Union (pp. 8-10, 16)
Columbia Journal of European Law
(Vol. 12)
Regulamentacao da OMC: Abordagem cientifica favorecida nas regras da UE para a Biotecnologia
WTO Rules Scientific Approach Favored in EU Rules for Biotechnology (p. 2)
The EU Constitution: Will Europe Force a Way Forward? (p. 7)
Sally McNamara (Senior Policy Analyst, Foreign Affairs)
Monsanto and the Requirement for Real Risks in GM Food Regulation (p. 343)
Amir Attaran
(Faculty, Health, Univ. of Ottawa), Nicole Bates (Global Health Council), Jean Luc Poncelet (Pan-American Health Organization), Michael Ryan (Faculty, Innovation, George Washington Univ.)
Track 6: Technology & Innovations in the Global Geographic Environment
Disruptions in Global Industries Caused by Controversial Technologies: The Case of Lead-Free Soldering in Electronics (pp. 11, 18, 21)
Heritage Foundation
Backgrounder No. 1991
"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate
voice to the global public debate..."
Chiara Colamonico (LLM Candidate & Energy Sector Consultant)
Roman Boutellier & Andreas Biedermann
(ETH Zurich)
Panel: Law in the Domestic Courts of Other Nations (reference materials p. 4)
Kurt Reichenberg (Senior Legal Secretary, Court of Justice of the European Communities)
Nota de Informativa do CiB No. 23
Univ. of Virginia School of Engineering Course STS-500 (2520/2620)
Science & Technology Public Policy
Loyola of Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Review (Vol. 28, No.2)
Rufus Yerxa (former WTO Director General on the Doha Round) & Sherman Katz (CEIP)
Peter Strauss (Faculty, Columbia Law School)
Debra M. Strauss (Business Law Faculty, Charles F. Dolan School of Business, Fairfield Univ.)
Food and Drug Law Institute, Food and Drug Law
Monsanto and the Requirement for Real Risks in GM Food Regulation (p. 343)