The Effects of Unilateral Measures to Protect Health & the Environment in International Trade (pp. 9, 10, 17)
Ligia Silva Dutra ((APEX Brasil) & Veronica Korber Goncalves (UnB))
4th National Mtg., of the Assoc. of Int'l Relations
(Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
The Legal Barriers to Technology Transfer Under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change - The Example of China (p. 71)
Zhou Chen (Ph.D. Thesis Law)
Tilberg University, (Netherlands)
WTO Disciplines Newsletter, 4. WTO Recommended Resources
; Recommended WTO Papers (p. 4)
Li Meiying (Reference Department)
East China University of Political Science and Law (Shanghai, China
Analysis of "Necessity" Requirement of Article 20 of GATT 1994 and Article 2.2 of the TBT Agreement (pp. 5, 9)
Zhuangya Han
(Masters Thesis International Trade Law)
National Chengchi University Institute of International Business
(Taipei, Taiwan)
Cloud Computing Regulation: An Attempt to Protect Personal Data Transmission to Cross-Border Cloud Computing Storage Services (pp. 522-523, 525)
Abdallah AbuOliem (Faculty Business & Economics, Macquarie Univ.) (Sydney,Australia)
Int'l Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (IJCCE) (Singapore)
Vol. 2, No. 4
Climate Change and the International Court of Justice - Public Law Res. Paper 315 (pp. 24-25)
Douglas A. Kysar, (Faculty, Yale Law School)
Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, Yale Law School
Stronger U.S.-EU Trade Creates Everyday Benefits (pp. 5, 9)
Jeff Okin-Kozlowicki & Gabe Horwitz
Date Organization Author Title Excerpt/Full Report
University & Think Tank References - 2013
A Hybrid Legal and Economic Development Model that Balances Intellectual Property Protection and Economic Growth: A Case Study of India, Brazil, Indonesia, and Vietnam (p. 127)
Garrett Halydier (J.D. Candidate)
14 Asia-Pacific Law & Policy Journal 86
41 Denver Journal of International Law & Policy 417
Denis Borges Barbosa
(Faculty, Public Policies Program, Institute of Economics of Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro) (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
Biopharmaceuticals Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Determining the Appropriate Market and Data Exclusivity Periods (pp. 216, 232-234 and fn#s 17, 118-126, 127-134, 136-137)
Donna M. Gitter (Faculty of Law, Baruch College, NY, NY)
Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal
(Vol. 21)
Relationship Between Trade Liberalization and Economic Growth: Empricial Evidence From Sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 111-112, 119)
Yahya Zakari Abdullahi, Yusuf Umar Dantama & Mohammed Abdullahi (Dept. of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University (Sokoto, Nigeria)
African Journal of Social Sciences (Vol. 3, No. 1) Sacha International Academic Journals
The GMO Panel: Implications of WTO Law to Trade in Agricultural Biotech Products In The Common Agricultural Policy - Policy Dynamics in a Changing Context (pp. 153, 157)
Grace Skogstad (Faculty, Political & Social Science, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, CN) and Amy Verdun (Faculty, Political Science, Univ. of Victoria, BC CN), Eds.
Gilbert R. Winham (Faculty Political Science & Law, Dalhousie Univ.)
(Hlifax, Canada)
Socio-economic Considerations
and International Trade Agreements (pp. 31-32, 36)
Stuart J. Smythe (Res. Scientist Univ. of Saskatchewan) &
(Jose Falck-Zepeda,
Senior Res. Fellow IFPRI)
Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, and Markus Ghering (Faculty of Law, Univ. of Cambridge)
The Report of a Consensus Panel (pp. 48-49, 87; fn#s 272, 275, 284)
Scientific & Policy Analysis of Persistent, Bioaccumulative, & Toxic Chemicals: A Comparison of Practices in Asia, Europe & North America
Indiana University
School of Public & Environmental Affairs
31 Wisconsin International Law Journal
Issue 1,
pp. 147-175
Greening the Environment: A Road to Achieving MDG 7 in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (p. 173)
Elly Musafiri (Researcher, Centre for Conflict Management, National University of Rwanda
(Butare, Rwanda)
American Int'l Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (AIJRHASS)
(Vol. 2, Issue 4)
A Literature Review on Cloud Computing Economics (p. 88)
Sun Yu (China Mobile Comm. Corp & Faculty, BUPT); Liao Xiao-wei (China Academy of Telecom Research, Ministry of Industry); Wang Xiao-dan (Faculty, Capital Univ. of Economics & Business); Lv Ting-jie (Faculty BUPT)
(Social Sciences Edition)
(Beijing PRC)
Regulatory Standards for the Approval of Biosimilar Products: A Global Review, Chap. 6, In
Nonclinical Development of Novel Biologics, Biosimilars, Vaccines and Specialty Biologics (pp. 172, 183)
Zamora (ToxStrategies, Inc., Bend, Oregon)
A Perspective on the TRIPS Compulsory Licensing of Environmentally Sound Technologies
Yang Jing,
Zhongnan (University of Economics and Law)
(Wuhan, China)
The Changing Face of U.S. Patent Law and its Impact on Business Strategy (Part IV, pp. 224-226)
D.R. Cahoy (Faculty Penn State Univ. Smeal College of Business) and Linda J. Oswald (Faculty Univ. of Michigan Ross School of Business) (Eds.)
The Esty Center Journal of International Law & Trade Policy
Vol. 14:1
Trade and Investment Implications of Implementing the Cartagena Protocol, InLegal Aspects of Implementing the Cartagena Protocol (Chap. 25, p. 479)
Cambridge University Press
Ramesh Karky (Univ. of Western Ontario, Faculty of Law, CN) &
Mark Perry (Univ. Of New England School of Law (USA)
Policy Choices for Biotech Legislative Enactments: Genetic Modifications in the Food Chain (pp. 18, 27)
Michael L. Buenger Ph.D Research Candidate, Brussels School of Int'l Studies
Moving Towards a Sustainable Future: Replacing TRIPS With a New International Regime for Intellectual Property and Sustainable Energy Technology Transfer (p. 167, fn# 114)
Nikhil Pradhan
(JD Candidate, Univ. of Wisconsin Law School)
The Politics of Systemization in EU Product Safety Regulation: Market, State, Collectivity, and Integration (fn# 83)
Kai Purnhagen (Faculty of Law, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (Munich, Germany)
Springer (Publ.), Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice Series
(Vol. 26) (Mortimer Sellers & James Maxeiner eds.)
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Organizations' Business Performance (pp. 113-115,
Abdel-Aziz Ahmad Sharabati and Abdul-Naser Ibrahim (Faculty, Middle East University) (Jordan)
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