Summary: Part 1 of this article discusses how the Philippine (PH) BMS Framework, which regulates the labeling, advertising and other marketing and promotion of imported and manufactured BMS products intended for use by infants and young children 0-24 months of age or beyond violates the WTO TBT Agreement
​Sept. 2013
The Philippines Breastmilk Substitute/Supplement Marketing Framework Violates WTO Law
(Part 1 of 2)  
LexisNexis Emerging Issues Analysis 7066
​Sept. 2013

Library Publications ​​2013

  Issue Date             Publication                               Article Title                              Reference

"Providing an informed, reasoned and dispassionate

voice to the global public debate..."

Summary: This article discusses how, in the case of 'ARA' Libertad, the ITLOS found grounds to expand its compulsory subject matter jurisdiction to review international law concepts not expressly incorporated within the UNCLOS or in other treaties conferring jurisdiction on ITLOS, and to override Respondent's domestic sovereign laws.
LexisNexis Emerging Issues Analysis 6879
Jan. 2013
Summary: This article discusses the extent to which U.S. continental shelf seabed mining policy, as reflected in the U.S. administration's recently issued 5-year OCS development plan and accompanying agency regulations, are influenced by international environmental law, including the UNCLOS, even though the U.S. has not acceded to such treaty.
LexisNexis Emerging Issues Analysis 6893
Jan. 2013
Summary: Part 3 of this article discusses how the Draft HK Code's prohibitions and restrictions on the use of trademarks (word marks and non-word marks) in informational/educational materials, on product containers and labels and in general public promotional activities, including advertising, violate the WTO TRIPS Agreement.
Hong Kong's Draft Infant Formula & Complementary Foods Marketing Code Violates WTO Law    (Part 3 of 3)
LexisNexis Emerging Issues Analysis 7049
Aug. 2013
Summary: Part 2 of this article discusses how the various prohibitions and restrictions imposed on informational/ educational materials, product containers and labels, and general public promotional activities, including advertising, qualify as de facto 'technical regulations' that violate the WTO TBT Agreement.
Hong Kong's Draft Infant Formula & Complementary Foods Marketing Code Violates WTO Law    (Part 2 of 3)
Aug. 2013
LexisNexis Emerging Issues Analysis 7048
Summary: Part 1 of this article discusses how the various food safety-related provisions of the Draft Hong Kong Code of Marketing and Quality of Formula Milk and Related Products and Food Products for Infants & Young Children ("the Draft HK Code") violates the WTO SPS Agreement.
Hong Kong's Draft Infant Formula & Complementary Foods Marketing Code Violates WTO Law    (Part 1 of 3)
LexisNexis Emerging Issues Analysis 7046
Aug. 2013
Summary: Part 2 of this article discusses how the PH BMS Framework's, prohibitions and restrictions on the use of trademarks, logos and brandnames in advertising, labeling and packaging materials violate the WTO TRIPS Agreement.
The Philippines Breastmilk Substitute/Supplement Marketing Framework Violates WTO Law
(Part 2 of 2)
LexisNexis Emerging Issues Analysis 7067